Broke Da Mouth Poke ‘Ulu


''Broke Da Mouth'' Poke Ulu


  • 1 lb ahi (yellowfin or aku (skipjack) tuna, cube 1/2''
  • 1 tsp rock salt
  • 2 cups poke ulu please see receipe on Poke Ulu


  • Combine cubed and salted fish to poke ulu! Mix well. Add chilli if desired! ENJOY!!


A recipe by Aunty Shirley in her series of recipes. 
Aunty Shirley Kauhaihao is a life-long resident of Honaunau, Kona, Hawaii and an icon of her community. 
Aunty Shirley Kauhaihao has a deep and life-long commitment to breadfruit, rooted in her Honaunau, Kona upbringing in the heart of what once was an ancient Kona breadfruit forest and shares the joys of ‘Ulu with people of all ages.